FREE $15K Grant Available- A closing cost assistance program offered to under-served buyers in selected counties/states (13 counties in CA up to $15K, 4 Counties in MA Up to $15K, Major Counties in NC/SC/GA Up to $10K) with income limit, and the buyer must be moving to or from a Majoirty Minority Census Tract in the above selected counties.
40% Down Non-QM- Over 100+ Investor/Program Selections, better than Stated Income Loans! Simpler, faster and easier program.
Buy Without Sell First- Cheaper than a Bridge loan, for house upgrade or downsizing, letter of intent to sell must be provided, loan amount from $150k to $3m, min 20% down & departure property equity 20% & DTI up to 55%.
GMCC Debt-Service Coverage Ratio- No employment information needed, no tax return information needed, DSCR no ratio even Zero available.
GMCC Assets And Insurance- Anyone who has sufficient assets in stock/mutual funds, life insurance cash value, 401k retirement assets, bank account.
GMCC Celebrity CRA- Not limited to first-time home buyers, cannot own any other property at closing, limited to selected counties in 5 states (CA, MA, NC, SC, VA), majority of counties in Bay Area / Southern Cal are qualified, subject to MFI (Median Family Income).
GMCC Community Lending Program- helps underserved communities by offering incentives for those borrowers whose property is located in the Community Lending Program area.
GMCC Home Run Program- Makes home purchases more affordable by offering down payments as low as 3% with no mortgage insurance required.
1OK Mortgage Assistance in NC, SC- Conforming, FHA, Community Opportunity Loan Programs only. A closing cost and downpayment assistance program offered to underserved buyers in selected counties/states (Majority Counties in NC, SC, 100+ counties) with income limit.